La franela es el antĆdoto a la lujuria, pero a veces es tambiĆ©n irresistible! Y yo he caĆdo en esta camisa de franela como una polilla atraĆda por la luz. El blanco y negro es una apuesta segura, a la que siempre me encanta aƱadir alguna pincelada roja. Os gustan este tipo de camisas? Las llevĆ”is con looks grunge o con un toque mĆ”s chic? O sois de los que la franela la reservan para los pijamas? Felices vacaciones!
Flannel is the antidote to lust, but sometimes it's also irresistible! And I've fallen in this flannel shirt like a moth to a flame. Black and white is a winning bet, and I always like adding a red touch. Do you like this kind of shirts? Do you wear them with a grunge style or pair them with chic accessories? Or you keep flannel in your pajamas drawer? Happy holidays!
Flannel is the antidote to lust, but sometimes it's also irresistible! And I've fallen in this flannel shirt like a moth to a flame. Black and white is a winning bet, and I always like adding a red touch. Do you like this kind of shirts? Do you wear them with a grunge style or pair them with chic accessories? Or you keep flannel in your pajamas drawer? Happy holidays!