WHERE: HervƔs, CƔceres, Extremadura, SPAIN
WHEN: April 2014WITH: Family (+2)
HOW: Car from Madrid
STYLE: Girly
HervĆ”s es una pequeƱa villa en CĆ”ceres, conocida por su juderĆa y la peculiar arquitectura de sus calles. Es un sitio agradable para visitar si estĆ”s por la zona, aunque yo me esperaba algo mĆ”s.
HervƔs is a small village in CƔceres, known for its Jewish quarter and the original architecture of the streets. It's a nice place to visit if you are around, although I was expecting a little more.
LO MEJOR/THE BEST: Las callejuelas de la juderĆa y el paseo junto al rĆo / The narrow streets at the Jewish quarter and the walk along the river
LO PEOR/THE WORST: La escasa oferta gastronĆ³mica / Very few restaurants
ConocĆ©is HervĆ”s? Os gustarĆa ir? Comentad abajo!
Have you ever been to HervƔs? Would you like to visit? Comments below!
Buenos dĆas! Ayer fue mi cumpleaƱos, y la verdad es que el tiempo pasa cada vez mĆ”s deprisa. No es que me sienta mĆ”s mayor, simplemente que todo pasa mĆ”s deprisa, o serĆ© yo, que voy a buen ritmo! La moda en vez de cumplir aƱos parece que se reinventa, todo acaba volviendo con un nuevo aire, y en el look de hoy podĆ©is ver esas reminiscencias de los aƱos 70... el sombrero, la chaqueta de terciopelo, los tacones anchos, os gusta este estilo o preferĆs otra Ć©poca? Feliz semana!
Good morning! I've just turned 28, and time goes faster every day. I actually don't feel any older, it's just that things have speed up over the years, or maybe it's me, just living life non stop! Fashion doesn't have birthdays, instead it re-invents itself every now and then, eveything makes a come back eventually, with a new twist. You can see some 70's reminiscences on today's outfit... the hat, the velvet blazer, the chunky heels, do you like this style or you prefer some other decade? Have a great week!
Buenos y primaverales dĆas! Ya es hora de disfrutar del sol, de las terrazas y de los colores claros. Parece que los tonos pastel vuelven a la carga esta temporada, asĆ que inspiraros en los escaparates de LadurĆ©e o los glaseados de Mallorca... feliz semana!
Very good morning! It's spring already! Time to enjoy sunny days and soft colors. It looks like pastel shades are back in town for the season, so get inspired by LadurƩe windows... have a lovely week!
Buenos dĆas! Hace mucho que no comparto un DIY con vosotros, y ahora que me he mudado la verdad es que hago mĆ”s cosas de decoraciĆ³n que de moda, asĆ que aquĆ tenĆ©is una idea para darle un toque personal a un mueble de Ikea. Os vale cualquier mueble con cajones y cualquier retal que tengĆ”is por casa, y si ademĆ”s sustituis los tiradores por otros diferentes quedarĆ” mucho mejor! Os atrevĆ©is?
Good morning! It's been a a while since I posted a DIY. I moved to a new place this year, so I've been doing more decoration than fashion lately, and I feel like sharing this one with you. It's a simple idea to give a personal touch to any Ikea piece of furniture. You can use any chest of drawers and any fabric leftovers you find around, and if you get different knobs it'll look much better! Ready?
Buenos dĆas! Los monos cada vez estĆ”n mĆ”s presentes en nuestros armarios, y este de estampado paƱuelo es mi Ćŗltima incorporaciĆ³n. AdemĆ”s de ser comodĆsimo es muy versatil y lo pienso vestir tanto ahora con medias y alguna chaqueta como en verano sin medias y con sandalias. QuĆ© tal llevĆ”is el entretiempo? Feliz semana!
Good morning! Jumpsuits are becoming more popular every day, and this scarf printed one is my last purchase. Apart from being super comfy I can wear it now with stockings and a jacket or in the summer with sandals. How's your spring going? Have a good week!
Buenos dĆas! QuĆ© tal ha ido la Semana Santa? DĆ³nde habĆ©is estado? Yo me he quedado en Madrid y he disfrutado del sol y los dĆas primaverales, y de las torrijas tambiĆ©n! Para este tiempo lo mejor son los jeans, con algo de manga corta y una chaqueta o una capa, que tan de moda estĆ”n! Yo la he combinado en este look informal con unas Converse y el sombrero, que es mi flechazo de esta temporada. Feliz semana!
Good morning! How were your Easter holidays? Where did you go? I've stayed in Madrid enjoying the sunny days, and "torrijas" also! Jeans are the best option for this weather, with a short sleeves top and a jacket or a cape, really trendy nowadays! I've matched mine in a casual outfit with sneakers and this hat, which is my item of the season. Have a great week!
Buenos dĆas! Ya os enseƱƩ el DIY de este sweater, y ahora os lo traigo en un look sencillo al que le aporta un toque divertido. AdemĆ”s alegra los tonos oscuros con algo de color, con la boina como guinda del pastel. QuĆ© os parece? Feliz semana!
Good morning! I showed you this DIY sweater already, and now I'm finally wearing it in a simple look, adding a joyful touch. It also brightens the outfit with the pop of color, completed by the pink beret. How do you like it? Have a lovely week!