Mariano Fortuny y Madrazo: De Granada a Venecia, Centro Cultural CajaGranada
Buenos días! Este invierno tuvo lugar en Granada la exposición Mariano Fortuny y Madrazo: de Granada a Venecia, así que no dudé en organizar una escapada para conocer un poco más de este increíble artista. Ya hace años el Museo del Traje le dedicó una exposición en Madrid, donde tienen una buena colección suya en la exposición permanente, y por supuesto tengo pendiente visitar el Palacio Fortuny en Venecia, pero Granada me pilla más cerca y siempre es un lujo pasear por sus calles.
Good morning! There was a Mariano Fortuny y Madrazo exhibition in Granada this Winter, so I knew I had to plan a short trip there to get to know this incredible artist a little bit better. There was a very good exhibition years ago at the Museo del Traje in Madrid, where there is a good selection of Fortuny pieces in their permanent collection, and of course I still have pending a visit to the Fortuny Museum in Venice, but Granada was closer and it is always a good plan to visit.
Las que me seguís desde hace tiempo recordaréis que mi admiración por Fortuny llega a tal punto que hace años me obsesioné un poco y acabé haciendo mi propio vestido Delphos, que podéis ver aquí. La cosa se me fue de las manos y acabé haciendo un par más...
If you have been following me for a while, you might remember my love for Fortuny, to the point I was so obsessed years ago that I ended up making my own Delphos, which you can see here. And it actually went out of control and I made more than one...
Mariano Fortuny y Madrazo era hijo, nieto y sobrino de pintores, y se crío en Granada con la influencia artística de su familia, que además coleccionaba tejido exóticos, muebles antiguos y otras piezas, la característica luz de su ciudad natal, y las formas geométricas con las que está decorada la Alhambra.
Mariano Fortuny y Madrazo was the son, grandson and nephew of painters, and he grew up surrounded by his artistic family, who also collected exotic fabrics, vintage furniture and other pieces of art, the beautiful light of his hometown, and the geometric decorations at the Alhambra.
Pasó unos años en París y Alemania, y terminó asentándose en Venecia, donde su gran interés por las óperas de Wagner lo llevó a colaborar con el teatro. Fortuny ideó y desarrolló sistemas para la iluminación escénica, cúpulas y difusores, y también vestuarios para diferentes obras.
He spent some years in Paris and Germany, and ended up in Venice, where his great admiration of Wagner led him to collaborate with different theatres. Fortuny invented and created. systems for stage illumination, domes and light diffusers, and also costumes for several plays.
Estas son algunas de sus creaciones para la representación de Otello en el Palacio Ducal de Venecia:
These are some of his creations for Otello, played at Venice palace:

Estos tres trajes pertenecen a su colección de indumentarias exóticas:
This are 3 pieces from his exotic coastumes collection:
Junto a su mujer Henriette trabajaba en diferentes técnicas de impresión y estampación, creando dos empresas en Venecia dedicadas a fabricar papeles pintados, tejidos estampados, fotografías...
Together with his wife Henriette, he worked on different printing techniques, creating two companies in Venice that produced painted papers, printed fabrics, photographies...
Uno de sus diseños más conocidos es el velo Knossos, de seda con estampados geométricos, para el cual creó una fíbula especial para sujetarlo.
One of his most known designs is the Knossos veil, made of silk with geometric prints, and hold by a custom designed pin:
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It's a shame that the exhibition wasn't as well lit as you wanted but it's great that they have these pieces and that you were able to go and admire them :)
ReplyDeleteHope you had a good weekend!
Away From The Blue
Yes, of course it was great to attend and see all of it :)
DeleteI've studied Fortuny when I was at the Fashion Academy, youve been so llucky to had the chance to see his creations from real! It had to be a very interesting experiece!
ReplyDeleteIt's a pity for the light, anyway....
I also studied him, these was a great experience!
DeleteThis all costumes and canvas area absolutely stunning. It is awesome that you had a chance to see them from real.
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely weekend
Me encanta y que bien que la pudieras disfrutar. :)
ReplyDeleteSi, fue un buen plan!
DeleteHello S,
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing with us this artist that I confess I don't know. From what I see from the exhibition, his artistic universe is very rich! As an admirer of fabrics and patterns, I could only love to have seen this exhibition, how lucky you are!
spacy room with a lot of great collections...
ReplyDeletelove to see the collections one day
I am sure you would like it :)
DeleteImpressive exhibition!
ReplyDeleteYes, it was great!
DeleteSuch an interesting exhibit!
ReplyDeleteKisses, Paola.
My Instagram
Yes,it was!
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Thank you for your opinion, question or suggestion, this community grows thanks to your feedback. You will discover much more on my monthly Newsletter.