Buenos dĆas! En mi mini cocina americana hay que aprovechar muy bien el espacio, y hoy os traigo una idea para organizar mejor las tazas, que en mi caso es lo que mĆ”s uso porque me paso el dĆa bebiendo tĆ©. Vamos a transformar una caja de vino en un rincĆ³n con todo lo necesario para preparar una taza de tĆ©, listos?
Good morning! In my American kitchen there is not a lot of space, so I have to make the most of it. Today I'm showing you the easiest idea to organise your tea mugs, which are essential in my kitchen as I drink lots of tea everyday. We are transforming a wine crate into a tea station with everything you need to make yourself a nice cup of tea, ready?
WHERE: Alexandria, Virginia, USA
WHEN: Winter 2018
WEATHER: Sunny and cold
Buenos dĆas! Hoy os llevo de excursiĆ³n a Alexandria, una encantadora ciudad a orillas del rio Potomac. En la era colonial fue un puerto de comercio y ahora su casco antiguo es una zona estupenda para pasear, llena de restaurantes y tiendas de antigĆ¼edades, empezamos?
Good morning! Today I'm taking you to Alexandria, a charming town by the Potomac river. It was an important port during the Colonial era and now the Old Town is a lovely place to walk, with many restaurants and antique shops, shall we?
Buenos dĆas! Decorar una casa que estaba totalmente vacĆa estĆ” siendo de lo mĆ”s entretenido. Las cortinas, plantas y alfombras, como os comentaba AQUĆ, han ayudado bastante, pero todavĆa tenĆamos las paredes bastante peladas. Mi abuelo era pintor, por lo que todas las casas donde he vivido siempre han estado bastante llenas de cuadros y, aunque no tengo nada en contra del minimalismo, una pared blanca me desconcierta un poco. Como este no serĆ” nuestro hogar definitivo tampoco quiero invertir demasiado en decoraciĆ³n, asĆ que hoy os traigo una idea rĆ”pida y econĆ³mica para enmarcar cualquier poster o foto y decorar alguna pared. Os gusta?
Good morning! Decorating an empty house is really fun. The curtains, plants and rugs work really well, as I told you HERE, but the walls were quite empty. My grandad was a painter, so I've always lived in houses with pretty busy walls. I have nothing against minimalism, but white walls make me anxious. We know this is not going to be our permanent home, so I don't want to spend too much on decoration. Therefore, here is a quick (and cheap) idea to frame any poster or picture and hang it on your wall. Ready?
Buenos dĆas! Hoy nos vamos de excursiĆ³n a Georgetown, origen del Distrito y el barrio con mĆ”s encanto de DC. EstĆ” a poca distancia del Mall, pero da la sensaciĆ³n de estar en otra ciudad muy diferente. SerĆa lo mĆ”s parecido a lo que en Europa consideramos el casco histĆ³rico, solo que aquĆ en vez de estar en el centro, estĆ” en un extremo de la ciudad/distrito. Os venĆs?
Good morning! Today we are visiting Georgetown, the origins of the District and the most charming neighbourhood in DC. It's not far away from the Mall, but looks like a very different town. It would be something like the old city center of a European city, but here it is on one end instead of the centre. Are you ready?
Buenos dĆas! Esta semana se celebra el AƱo Nuevo Chino, asĆ que aprovecho para enseƱaros el mercado callejero de Chinatown, que visitamos en nuestra Ćŗltima escapada a New York. Hace muchos aƱos lo visitĆ© y recuerdo que me impresionĆ³ que vendĆan ranas vivas, las tenĆan en cubos en la calle... Esta vez no vi ranas, pero habĆa un montĆ³n de cosas curiosas que jamĆ”s he comido, muchas no sĆ© ni que son! Si alguien sabe agradecerĆa que identifiquĆ©is alguna cosa!
Good morning! This week they are celebrating the Chinese New Year, so I want to show you Chinatown street market, which we just visited in our last trip to New York. I visited it many years ago and I was really impressed by the alive frogs they sold there... This time there were no frogs, but they have many things I have never eaten, I don't even know what many of them are! So if you do, please let me know!
Buenos dĆas! Febrero es uno de esos meses especialmente romĆ”nticos, todos sabemos que San ValentĆn estĆ” muy explotado comercialmente, pero aun asĆ no deja de ser una buena excusa para acordarnos de poner un poco de cariƱo extra en lo que hacemos, disfrutar de unas ricas fresas con chocolate y brindar con champagne. Carlos y yo no nos compramos regalos, ni en San ValentĆn ni en fechas especiales, preferimos hacernos un viajecito o disfrutar de una buena comida, pero pienso desearle un feliz San ValentĆn con un montĆ³n de besos, asĆ que aquĆ tenĆ©is esta idea sencilla y de lo mĆ”s romĆ”ntica, porque no hay nada mejor que darle muchos besos a quien quieres!
Good morning! February is a specially romantic month, we all now San Valentine's Day is all about marketing and sales, but it is also a good excuse to remind us to put some extra love in the things we do, enjoy yummy strawberries with chocolate and toast with champagne. Carlos and I don't buy each other gifts on special dates, we are more into travelling and enjoying a great meal from time to time, but I'm gonna wish him a Happy Valentine's Day with a lot of kisses, so here is a simple and romantic idea, cause there's nothing better than giving lots of kisses to somebody you love!
Buenos dĆas! Hoy por fin os enseƱo las primeras fotos de Washington, DC. La capital de Estados Unidos tiene mucho por descubrir y espero compartirlo con vosotros segĆŗn vaya explorando, pero de momento vamos a dar un paseo de toma de contacto por los sitios mĆ”s famosos y os cuento mis primeras impresiones!
Good morning! Today I'm finally showing you some pictures of Washington, DC. United States capital has many things to be discovered and I hope to share it with you as I explore the city. But for now let's take a first walk by the main landmarks while I share my first impressions!
CĆ³mo mudarse en 10 pasos / Pack and move in 10 steps
By Sugar Lane - Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Buenos dĆas! Hemos comenzado el aƱo bien instalados en Washington DC, pero el aƱo pasado fue un festival de mudanzas de las que algo he aprendido. Bastante logĆstica y, sobre todo, a pensar mejor lo que necesito y lo que no, me he vuelto mucho mĆ”s selectiva y ordenada. Comenzamos 2017 en Madrid en nuestro pisito del centro, y despuĆ©s esparcimos nuestras pertenencias en una triple mudanza Aranjuez-Torrelodones-Casares, a final de verano dejamos Casares y estuvimos unas semanas de nĆ³madas entre Torrelodones y Aranjuez hasta que finalmente cruzamos el charco a Estados Unidos. Un par de semanas en una casa provisional en Arlington y por fin encontramos nuestro nuevo hogar en DC.
Good morning! We have started the year well settled in Washington DC, but last year was a collection of moves and I learnt a lot from them. A lot of logistics and, specially, to think about what I really need and what I don't, so now I'm more selective and organised. We started 2017 in our flat I Madrid, then split our belongings in a triple move to Aranjuez-Torrelodones-Casares, and by the end of Summer we left Casares, spent some nomadic weeks in Torrelodones and Aranjuez and finally we came to United States. We stayed in Arlington for a couple of weeks until we found our new home in DC.
Good morning! We have started the year well settled in Washington DC, but last year was a collection of moves and I learnt a lot from them. A lot of logistics and, specially, to think about what I really need and what I don't, so now I'm more selective and organised. We started 2017 in our flat I Madrid, then split our belongings in a triple move to Aranjuez-Torrelodones-Casares, and by the end of Summer we left Casares, spent some nomadic weeks in Torrelodones and Aranjuez and finally we came to United States. We stayed in Arlington for a couple of weeks until we found our new home in DC.
Buenos dĆas! Empiezo el aƱo con un menĆŗ muy especial que tenĆa pendiente compartir con vosotros. Nos hemos mudado a Estados Unidos, pero cuando todavĆa estĆ”bamos en EspaƱa, Carlos preparĆ³ esta fantĆ”stica degustaciĆ³n de atĆŗn rojo maridado con champagne. Fue toda una experiencia que tuvo tres etapas en un recorrido por tres restaurantes, comenzando con el ronqueo de un atĆŗn de 300 kilos. Ya sabĆ©is que adoramos el atĆŗn y nos pasamos el verano en la costa gaditana disfrutando de este manjar, tenĆ©is hambre???
Good morning! I want to start the year with a very special menu that I had wanted to share for a long time. We have moved to the US, but when we were in Spain Carlos created this amazing red tuna tasting, paired with champagne. It was an amazing experience divided in 3 stages at three different restaurants, starting with the "ronqueo" (cutting up) of a 300kgs tuna. You know how much we love this fish as we spent last Summer enjoying it around Cadiz, are you hungry???